A Rumor of Empathy at Apna Ghar in the Fight Against Gender Violence …. the Movie

This is an on camera interview with Serena Low, Executive Director, Apna Ghar (“Our Home”), captured on December 13, 2012. Apna Ghar (“Our Home”) operates a Hot Line and Shelter for women who are dealing with domestic abuse, intimate partner abuse, including related violence, and need to find a physical location (place) to be safe. Serena provides a concise, on camera narrative of the issues and challenges faced by women in the community – and how Apna Ghar makes a difference. Serena also shares her thoughts on silence and empathy. Apna Ghar has corporate headquarters in the uptown neighborhood in Chicago ApnaGhar.org.  This material is rated suitable for General (G) audiences, but engages a confronting topic (domestic violence).  Also, please submit any comments here to ensure proper moderating of the contribution.  Click on the following to see the educational video  –

The previous post in line on this blog entitle – “Lessons Learned: Intimate Partner Violence Training” contains a blog discussion of the issues for those interested in more background after viewing the movie.

Also of related interest is Lise McKean’s Interview with Amar Kanwar whose exhibit, “The Lightening Testimonies,” is about violence against women in South Asia: http://badatsports.com/tags/lise-mckean/   Not to be missed.

Note: “All the usual disclaimers appply.” This is a good faith, best effort to promote a conversation about an important subject of vital concern to ouor community. If your web access is behind a corporte firewall, the password may or may not be properly forwarded. The video interview is suitable for all ages (though the subject is a ‘difficult’ one). However, the underlying technology may or may not be compartible with an extrme level of “Big Brother” filtering. Hey, this is a blog post. Thanks for understanding.

(c) Lou Agosta, The Chicago Empathy Project, and Serena Low, Apna Ghar

Categories: Altruism, Apna Ghar Our Home, Emotions, empathic understanding, Empathy, empathy consulting, empathy trends, Ethics, Feeling, Mental illness, Stigma

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2 replies

  1. Okay – I am inspired. Where do I make a donation to Apna Ghar?

    • Good question. Not here. No money transactions on WordPress. However, go to: http://www.ApnaGhar.org
      …. and express your support there. The cause is worthy. This type of bad behavior on the part of [some] men has just got to stop. All men have got to speak up, speak out, speak truth to power: unacceptable behavior. No excuses. Just – right now. Easier said than done.
      Please feel free to mention the movie, this web site or my name as to how you learned about it.